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"C" is a Bent "I"

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

In the 1st chapter of his book The Calvary Road, Roy Hession writes “To be broken is the beginning of Revival. It is painful, humiliating, but it is the only way. It is being "Not I, but Christ” (Gal 2:20), and a "C" is a bent "I."

The Lord Jesus cannot live in us fully and reveal Himself through until the proud self within us is broken. This simply means that the hard-unyielding self, which justifies itself, wants its own way, stands up for its rights, and seeks its own glory, at last bows its head to God's will, admits its wrong, gives up its own way to Jesus, surrenders its rights and discards its own glory - that the Lord Jesus might have all and be all. In other words it is dying to self and self-attitudes.”

Revival is what the world needs from the Church. Revival means re-life. That which had life gains life again. This describes the Church. We have life in Christ. But it seems we need to be resuscitated. It's as if pride has crept back into our life and in the life of the Church. And again, we need the brokenness that revival brings. In this brokenness, in real revival of the Church, here is where we are able to work together for the glory of God and not our own Glory. This is what the world needs. For here in brokenness and revival we truly can work together.

Unfortunately, often what we see in the Church is this idea that we can have unity if the rest of church comes and help me do what I believe God has called me to do. It is a pride or arrogance where I have the right vision from God. I know what God wants us to do. And if the rest of the body would just get on board with me, then we would have true unity. Then everything would go the way God designs it to go because you have joined what God has called me to do.

Do you see how this can be all about "me?" That's where we need to think of what Roy Hession says the “I” needs to become bent, not “I” but “C” Christ. If each one of us becomes not I but Christ, now we're surrendered. Now, we seek the ways of Christ. But that is in relationship with Jesus and one another. That comes in brokenness and humility.

Prayer: Lord Jesus help us. We are prideful and arrogant people. We long for our ways and our desires. Help us Lord to bend the “I” into a “C”. Help us Lord to remove our arrogance, our pride, may we put our selfishness on the cross and may it die with You so we may rise with You. Lord may you live so bright through your Church that the world will see You and be drawn to You by the way we live our lives in You.

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