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This is the "Kind" of Friend You Want

Beloved Blogger Robert J. LaCosta

Like stopping to watch a street juggler, it’s easy for friendships to begin by admiring someone’s “act” - that is, their God-given talents in action.

PHOTO: Mark's glow comes from within.

We may notice this at in a workplace, faith community or in some social circle where you bump into their outstanding qualities or abilities.

It’s easy and healthy to admire someone who can tell a joke when you can’t even remember punch lines or marvel at their latest piece of artwork when you can’t draw a straight line.

Mark Muller is one of those guys. But he is also a trusted friend. His skill-sets could make a resume go several pages. He’s musical, mechanical and methodical in his thinking.

But it’s the man behind the talents that has drawn me to him. I watch the way he uses his skills on behalf of others. He literally schedules in “favors” or jobs for people and delights in them as he is doing them.

One such occurrence was during our semi-annual ritual of changing my tractor attachments over from the brush-hog to the mower deck. Serious thunderstorms were predicted, but due to a time crunch on my part he came anyway. Like a baseball game rain delay, we ran inside when the showers arrived and were able to take a break on my porch with a cup of coffee and some great conversation. It turned a damp and difficult chore into a joy - from both the fellowship and the way he handles his talents.

Mark can juggle a lot of gifts and it would make anyone stop and watch. But it’s his acts of kindness that are no performance and this is what makes my admiration for this friend only grow with time.

PORTAL TO HEAVEN: When we use our gifts on behalf of others, we open up portals for them to see that The Lord truly is our helper; the one who comes alongside us.

I will lift up my eyes to the hills—from whence comes my help?My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth… But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things…

Psalm 121:1,2 NKJV, John 14:26 NASB


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