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50,000 Prayer Gatherings is a Whole Lot of Incense

Pastor Jay Richmond

Thursday,May 3rd was 67th annual National Day of Prayer. In the New York State capital region, several communities held National Day of Prayer events joining the some 50,000 prayer gatherings across the nation.

I had the privilege of being at three:

  • 8 a.m. 25 people, led by Pastor Dennis Burke, gather together in front of City Hall in Amsterdam. This was a good solid prayer time opening with a hymn and praying for various concerns both locally and throughout our nation but most importantly asking God to draw people to himself. The mayor of Amsterdam joined us as we were seeking God to bless our nation.

  • At noon I was able to join a group of people at Duanesburg Town Hall. Again over twenty people gathered together to seek God for their town and our nation. Pastor Ken McHeard led us in Prayer.

  • In the evening we gathered together at The Greater St John's Church of God in Christ in Albany. We planned on meeting outside down by the Hudson River but with some threatening weather coming we felt it would be best to meet inside. It was a great time of prayer and worship led by Pastor’s Keith Davey & Patrick Avery. The gathered body was very diverse, people from various cultures and ethnicities, denominations and congregations. People were excited about being there and are looking forward to more opportunities to gather together in prayer.

What I marveled at each of these events was the hunger that the people

PHOTOS: From Amsterdam to Clifton Park to Albany, the State of New York was well represented before God's throne.

had for seeking God. It was as if God is creating a hunger in his people to seek him, especially to seek him for the hearts and souls of the American people. When we gather for prayer, it needs to be for people. Just as we know it Church isn't made up of brick-and-mortar but the people who worship there, America is made up of Americans, it's the people that God is looking to draw to himself.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, we ask that you would draw many to yourself. America seems to be far from you. Lord we need You, the people of America need You. Lord, move in your church, help us to be the people You designed us to be. May we be known as your disciples because of our love for one another. And Lord may the world believe that You were sent because your people are one, just as You and the Father are one.


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