Wednesday was a cold, snowy, wintery day here in upstate New York. But that didn’t stop people from five congregations to gather together to seek God for the Duanesburg area.
It was a great night of prayer and worship. Nate, a young twenty-something man, lead us in a time for individual repentance. As he finished praying we became still in the presence of our awesome Lord. We opened ourselves up before God and invited Him to convict us, to show us areas in our lives that needed to change.
Following the individual time of repentance, Pastor Ken lead us in a time of corporate repentance. We then gather into small groups and continued to pray. We were begging God to resuscitate His Church, to breathe life into us. We were inviting the Holy Spirit to come and lead His Church.
We then moved into a time of asking God for an awakening for the Capital Region. An awakening where people outside the family of God would enter into a real relationship with the Lord. Pastor Tony lead us as we prayed again in small groups and lifted specific individuals up to the Lord for His mercy to draw them to Himself. We prayed for a gift of repentance to be poured into the streets.
Wednesday was a good night and I believe a time that pleased God.
Prayer: Let’s make Wednesday’s night of prayer in Duanesburg, a prayer for our lives.
Lord change us individually. Help us Lord, to become the people of God you’ve designed us to be.
Lord, breathe life into you Bride. Lord lead your Church. Lord give us a gift of tears for our communities.
Holy Spirit please draw people to yourself. Lord we pray to you to send labors into the harvest.