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Whew! Thank God. No Really. Portals To Heaven In Book Form Is Done!

It’s Thanksgiving morning, it’s sunny and it adds up to a literal and figurative portal.

Portals To Heaven in book form, 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration, is finally out as of Black Friday and it wasn’t the “sunny” part that caused the perspiration.

Most writers will admit to loneliness, fatigue and even depression. This three-year project has included all of those and worse.

But today is sunny. The book is finished. I am thankful.

For those of you who have come out the other side of any test or challenge, you understand what I am saying.

I want to invite you “into” the portals of God through this 365-Day devotional. Here you will find an inspirational 250-word vignette for each weekday, a Portal to Heaven and a related scripture and journaling pages to record the portals you’ve observed during the week and how that has impacted your walk with God and reinforced your faith.

The reason I am excited is that readers are telling me of their portals. The more you look for the portals, the more you see them. This is not a coincidence. Deliberate observation is like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it becomes and the more confidence you have in its reliability.

The book will be available on on Black Friday, appropriately enough. I say this because I believe that this book makes for an affordable, positive Christmas or holiday gift for a loved one. It will be a life-long tool for their day-to-day walk with God. Skip the sweater-or-whatever. Give a gift that matters for their soul.

I would encourage you to purchase in volume (in packs of 5, 10, 20 or 100 or whatever you can afford). This will give you a cache of holiday, birthday or special occasion gifts.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could do it on Black Friday because Amazon algorithms catapult books by volume to a best-selling status. If Portals to Heaven is selling in a flurry, this will increase the chances of it catching the attention of those who don’t know a portal from porpoise – not that the latter couldn’t be a portal!

For those who buy in bulk, send us an honor-system email and we will send you a gift of The King’s Favorite Book journal (which also makes for great gifts and is available on the website store).

As you know, this ministry does NOT ask for donations. Rather, we provide you with tools from the sweat (perspiration doesn’t fit here) of our brows. If you are giving Christmas or holiday gifts, please let this book be in the mix. Turn Black Friday into a great Portal to Heaven.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Your grateful Beloved Blogger

Robert J.

Open for me the gates [portals] of the righteous; I will enter and give thanks to the Lord.This is the gate [portal] of the Lord through which the righteous may enter. I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation.

Psalm 118:19-21(NIV). Editor’s brackets.

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