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The Same Shoe Size of Jesus

Robert J. LaCosta

(This Week: Seizing The Moment.)

Visitors to Israel want to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. Why wouldn’t they? You tread by the very spots where Jesus healed or get goose bumps thinking of what it would be like to be called along The Sea of Galilee: “Come, follow me.”

I recall a tour guide rhetorically asking, “Could this be the very spot where Paul made his defense with King Agrippa?” Yeah, I got some chills.

So many people ask, “Wouldn’t it have been something to live then?” Now, I question them for The Twenty-First Century is the story we have been written into.

Nuclear threat is a cloud and yet a cyber attack could bring our economy to its knees. One third of our country’s intensely personal financial data has already been compromised.

Could Boston be brought low by a single hacker's keystroke?

Due to great populations, severe weather can affect millions with a single blow. Automation is replacing jobs previously held by the most vulnerable.

Are we to bury our heads in the sands of the scorching Judean Desert thinking it would somehow be nicer back in the days of Jesus? It seems rather obvious that the heat is up right in the here and now. Jesus’ footprints in the sand have long been lost to the wind. Yet, he left behind the sandals of The Holy Spirit.

PORTAL TO HEAVEN: Our era’s “today” must be seized. Go where Jesus would walk today: his local church, mission fields, non-profits, hospitals, nursing homes, risky “Samaritan” streets and in the very home and job where you lace your shoes.

“…whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son…And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth.”

John 14:12,13,16,17 (NIV)


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