I was in the lily of valley patch to the north side of our porch when I was faced with a heartbreaking decision about some insidious weeds.
If I didn’t pull up the weed, the encroachment would have seemed worst than a world power marching into a vulnerable third-world country.
I decided to go in for the kill and inadvertently snapped some plants along with the weed. The metaphor-du-jour was clear. God may take away a good thing such as a job, hobby, ministry, relationship or some other love that we have allowed to grow in his garden that may threaten our fruitfulness and beauty.
It hurt to see those broken plants.
It made me understand how He feels.
PORTAL TO HEAVEN: Misunderstanding the weeding hand of God can cause us to have a bitter root against our compassionate Gardener.
Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up…No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Matthew 15:13 ESV, Hebrews 12:11NIV