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Love Goes Viral
The scales that measure good and evil always tip toward the good because the density of love fare surpasses wickedness in that it’s infinitely harder to be kind than it is to be a selfish jerk. Despite the death and hardship of COVID-19, the scales will lean in the direction of heroism and sacrifice. Heart attitudes toward priorities will have gone through a grinder and not a sifter. The truth will outweigh the falsehood when it comes to what really happened. Noble leaders will look to protect and plan. None of this is pollyanna. Love goes viral. PORTAL TO HEAVEN: The stepped-up sacrifice shown during this crisis shows what love can and should be here on earth and is a window into what is always like in heaven. Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good… The LORD has made everything for its own purpose, Even the wicked for the day of evil… “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Romans 12:21 NIV, Proverbs 16:4 NIV, John 16:33