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When Does "All" Apply?

Beloved Blogger Robert J. LaCosta

When a portal to heaven happens before you hardly have your eyes open…

It was first thing in the morning when I opened my medicine cabinet only to discover there were some prescriptive items in there that I never used to need.

I had two sleepy choices: 1) curse my illnesses, or, 2) thank God for those pills staring back at me. It turned into a thanksgiving moment.

The great thing about recognizing portals to heaven is, well, you begin to recognize them … instantly, in “real time” as they say.

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Formerly, I might have been bummed that these meds might now become a regular part of my life. This time, however, I rejoiced for the pharmaceutical companies that came up with omeprazole for my reflux and the ibuprofen for my achy joints.

My spiritual father was a chemist for four decades and had his hand in fifty pharma patents. These pills in my medicine cabinet didn’t originate from some giant conglomerate behind gated fences. They come from someone whose talent and perseverance might be saving my life from the dangerous erosion of my esophagus.

PORTAL TO HEAVEN: Christ came up with the patent from the terminal and the more we practice spotting portals to heaven, the more we see how The Great Physician personally saves lives - especially when we open the portal of medicine cabinets.

give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:18​

COMMENTS: Portals to Heaven is now on the Sound of Life radio network throughout the northeast.


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