What have you literally or figuratively “bought” that produced buyer’s remorse? Perhaps a more penetrating question would be: “What was its real cost on your life?”
Author and counselor John Eldridge often interchangeably uses the name “Eve” with a woman. He writes that many adolescent boys are set up for buyer’s remorse when they put all of their eggs into Eve’s basket. It’s understandable. The hormones are flowing and so is her hair and the mousetrap has been set.
When I was young, I really did think that Eve's mystery-gender would solve a lot of the world’s ills and mine as well. Broken hearts have a way of quickly dispelling myths.
It’s not just the young who bite at the trap’s cheese. Adultery is no longer reserved for middle-aged crises.
PORTAL TO HEAVEN: Looking for love in all the wrong places is a common mistake and there’s only one solution: search for the cross that carries true love and no buyer’s remorse.
Little children, guard yourselves from idols…Destroy the idols among you, and turn your hearts to the Lord…Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. 1 John 5:21 NASB, Joshua 24:23 NLT, James 1:15 NIV
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COMMENTS: Portals to Heaven is now on the Sound of Life radio network throughout the northeast.