Guest Portal-er Sandra Flach
As I have traveled this amazing journey of adopted mom and orphan advocate, my eyes have been opened to the spiritual principles of adoption. As believers in Christ, we have been adopted. We are no longer orphans. We’ve been adopted by our Heavenly Father.
The whole idea of adoption was created by God and modeled for us in His Word. Moses was adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter. Esther was adopted by her cousin Mordecai. Jesus was adopted by Joseph the carpenter. We were adopted by God the Father.
__________________ World Orphan Day is the second Monday in November (12th this year). Do whatever you can! ________________
Before God adopted us, we were orphans. We did not belong to the family of God. When we come to Christ, we receive salvation. But God didn’t stop there. He also gave us a new name, a new family and a new life. We became sons and daughters with a hope, a future, and an inheritance.
PORTAL TO HEAVEN: We are children of God. Let’s not live like orphans but as sons and daughters of our good, good Father. Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12