“Why do I always seem to get the hard cases?”
That was the question I’d raise with God whenever I was in the exam room with someone whose hearing and hearing aids would befuddle me.
As a Hearing Instrument Specialist, I had seen thousands of hearing losses, difficult ear canals and patients whose age or disabilities would make fitting a hearing aid a challenge for anyone.
And then there was software. Each manufacturer of hearing aids has their own spin on sound and work-arounds and tweak-secrets.
It was only after several bouts with frustration and self-pity that I realized that it was in the most challenging of patients that I really grew as a specialist. And these were also the richest and most rewarding of fittings.
Like video games, it simply brought me to a new level and that was a reward in and of itself. Beyond all of that, of course, is that working up a sweat on behalf of someone else is what we learn when we follow Jesus to The Garden of Gethsemane.
Life beyond my abilities is the beginning of life in Christ.
PORTAL TO HEAVEN: "Difficulty” is a code word for sacrifice and growth in God.
Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible’…And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.
Matthew 19:26 NIV, Luke 22:14
On "The Klutz & Angels":
God’s wisdom is greater than having silver or gold!
Frank Wray, Delmar, NY