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Beloved Blogger Robert J. LaCosta

Winter's Fallout

Spring cleaning can mean different things to different folks.

If you have an apartment in Boston or New York City that is 600 square feet, you may not get as stressed as someone with forty acres, a 3,000 square-foot home, a few barns, swimming pool and trees that have been dropping branches all winter.

But there is always something to do after a long winter.

In many areas of the country, the cold season is a long one and takes it toll on the outside of the house, porches and gardens.

Figurative spring cleaning hits everyone. Students who have plunged into studies that have lasted four, six or eight years may feel depleted by the time of their graduation. The couple that has invested three

decades into raising kids could internally feel like their branches are down before they hit the wall of an empty-nest. The workers who poured vast amounts of their adulthood into a career or position may look in the mirror and wonder where all their vitality has gone.

And it is like this in the spiritual realm. All of us go through long stretches where it feels like our souls, bodies and minds have weathered a prolonged winter. These seasons, even short ones, can take their toll.

There’s only one thing that’s tougher than getting the broom, paint and pressure-washer out: ignoring that spring cleaning is for everyone, whether in 800 square feet or thousands.

PORTAL TO HEAVEN: Winters may “cover” things that need attention. But all things hidden will be revealed. Recognizing that things need attention is a healthy act. The act of spring cleaning anything opens up portals to heaven in that the new cleanliness really does feel like it’s next to godliness.

Put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him…The scorched land will become a pool and the thirsty ground springs of water…I will open rivers on the bare heights and springs in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water and the dry land fountains of water…Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.

Colossians 3:10 NASB, Isaiah 35:7 NASB, Isaiah 41:18 NASB, Acts 3:19 NIV


One of my favorite verses Bob is: “Be still and know that I am God!” Nothing restores the soul like being in his presence!

Frank Wray, Delmar, NY

I wish my garage looked that good!

Butch Baker, Nashville, TN


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