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Beloved Blogger Robert J. LaCosta

Putting Spring Cleaning on the Calendar

Spring cleaning has never been: “I can’t wait to attack my yard and my house and get them all tidied up for the warmer season.”

It’s not that I can’t make a to-do list two pages long. And I don’t mind the actual work. It’s the interruption that bothers me the most. For example, how can I suddenly open up a schedule that’s already tight and squeeze in a week or even a few afternoons and evenings of spring cleaning?

That’s how my walk with God often goes. He notes, “Some branches have fallen down in the yard of your heart and I want to help you clean them up.”

These branches are analogous to the vulnerable parts of my heart that are susceptible to the high winds of life.

Telling God that I’m too busy will not make the dead branches scattered across my yard go away. They are evidence that some spring cleaning is necessary. Picking up each branch and piling them up and disposing of them is a slow process. When it comes to examining sin, slowness is a good thing.

Deadness of heart or spirit or recognizable sin needs examination.

The thing about our spiritual life is that spring cleaning can take place any time of the year or any time of the day, for that matter.

PORTAL TO HEAVEN: The repentant heart can open up portals. Sorrow for sin aligns us with God and clears the clouds for a look at the holiness and purity of heaven.

He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful…But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known.

John 15:2 NIV, Luke 12:2 NASB


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