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Outliving Your Money

Next to death, the number one fear for our aged population is that they will outlive their finances. A financial advisor who was herself a senior citizen expressed to me that this can become an increasing burden - not just a nagging concern.

The only antidote that I know comes from my experiences as verified by the scriptures and not the other way around. It’s a little like the chicken and egg conundrum. Is it that I read in The Bible that God is my provision, then believe it and then I find myself in the coffin having been taken care of? Or is it that God took care of me even before I read the scriptures and therefore I can trust Him even more now that I know His Word?

I love preachers and teachers who tell us, “I will never preach on something I haven’t personally experienced.”

Other than visiting the third heaven, I appreciate that they do not want to settle for pie-in-the-sky sermons based on theological “this-is-the-way-it’s-supposed-to-be” offerings.

So now that I am part of the senior crowd (depending on the definition of “senior”), I know can declare with certainty that I will not outlive God’s provision. I didn’t say that I’d die with a million bucks in the bank and have this glowing security every step of the way toward my coffin. Some do have large bank accounts and pensions.

Any time that anxious thought about outliving my money comes knocking on my door, I simply tell it, “Go away, you’re getting old.”

PORTAL TO HEAVEN: Provision through life’s many ups and downs is a great portal to heaven. It reminds many of their parents and in that way brings to mind The Lord’s Prayer about having a Father and daily bread. That’s a portal worth savoring.

I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread…Give us this day our daily bread…So Abraham [now older in years] called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, ‘On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.’

Psalm 37:25 NIV, Matthew 6:11 ESV, Genesis 22:14 NIV. Brackets are from the Editor.

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