We all want to face the new year with resolution and the prayer-portal called “The Lord’s Prayer” or the “Our Father” has enough determination and orderliness to beat the band.
“Your kingdom come, Your will be done,” we say, as if ordering The Lord to order us. Yes, it’s as resolute as it gets.
This segment of The Lord’s Prayer is such a powerful portal because it aligns our entire soul as a son or daughter of a king and his kingdom. It’s not only a perfectly logical prayer in its progression, it’s also requires a phenomenal act of faith because within this sentiment of a kingdom coming lies a belief that we can see, touch, feel, hear and smell heaven even as our shoes are touching earth.
It’s a way of saying, “I’m expecting the portals to and of heaven to be open for business at all times.” Through The Holy Spirit, we experience both the kingdom within and the kingdom on high.
It’s a cleverly-crafted line designed to get us to expect that for which we ask.
It’s as if the child is being coached as to what to ask his father for his birthday because the adult instructing the kid knows exactly what he needs and exactly what Daddy wants to give: his very heart.
Heaven’s perfect portal, Jesus, knew that most of us wouldn’t get to walk with him in the skin. So he lent us this translucent line in his prayer as if to say, “The portal will forever be there. Will your resolution be there, too?”
PORTAL TO HEAVEN: Jesus was simply teaching us how He related to His Father. He showed us what to yearn for BEFORE he says anything about our daily bread so that our priority and loyalty would be in heaven even while on earth. Jesus fulfilled his ministry without begging for bread…and even had some leftovers at that.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you…in all things He may have preeminence…’For the Kingdom of God is within you.’
Matthew 6:33 NKJV, Colossians 1:18 BSB, Luke 17:21 TLB