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EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT... or a Thanksgiving Prayer (of sorts)

(This is a special Thanksgiving letter from your Beloved Blogger.)

Dear Friends,

It is with great thanksgiving that I announce that the devotional book-edition of Portals To Heaven will be released on Thanksgiving Day* through It was three years in the making. It includes a journaling section for your portals - a true keepsake.

Due to Amazon algorithms, it would be helpful to this writer if you’d consider loading up on these as viable alternatives (and much more reasonable) to those sweaters-or-whatevers that you were going to give as Christmas or holiday gifts. This is an eternal present for your loved ones.

THE REASON FOR THIS REQUEST: It appears that when a brand new book is released and is accompanied by a spike in sales…a supersonic internal Amazon alarm sounds and pushes my book up on their best-selling list. That would be a great favor – albeit one that I am reticent about asking of you.

Nevertheless, I am asking it of you!! I have tried to oblige others who have asked for help with this particular portal-scripture in mind:

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

(Galatians 6:10, NIV)

I'd like to send you a free signed copy of The King’s Favorite Book journal for every five that you purchase. (Simply send an honor-system email requesting your free journal(s). These make great gifts as well.

As you know, we do not solicit donations for this ministry. Instead, we offer something from the sweat of the brow - and I do mean three years of perspiration mixed with inspiration! I might add: giving this devotional as a means of helping others experience God’s presence through their senses is an incredible opportunity. Sure beats candy canes and Russell Stover (that will definitely not last 365 days)!

I am so grateful to all of you who take the time to read Portals to Heaven daily or occasionally. I hope you are regularly seeing your metaphor-du-jour as a result of your determined and deliberate discipline or effort.

God is right in front of us all of the time. Sometimes it’s in a beautiful way and other times, well, the portal isn’t what we were expecting.

Rest assured He is making Himself plain and the more we practice seeing Him in whatever light He shows Himself, the more peace and leading we will have.

Thanking you ahead for whatever you can do.

Your fellow portal-er in Christ,

Robert J.

Robert J. LaCosta

(a.k.a. Beloved Blogger)

*Estimated time availability to begin ordering is roughly before Noon.

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